Ruger learned to crawl that day as well! Happy Mother's day to me! Thought he was into everything before, guess again its even worse now because he is faster and getting from point A to point B. I love it though its so cute to see him figure things out and how excited he gets when he gets to where he wants to be without any help. He is growing so fast! Now that he is crawling it didn't take him long to pull himself up to everything. Before he would use my shirt or my arm, now its everything else from the couch to his toy shelf. He'll be walking before we know it!
Ruger and I made a trip to Idaho the week before Mother's day so we could attend Mykala's final track meet and Nick and Dillan's baseball games and everything else that went on between them! While we where there Ruger learned who his "bum-pa" (Grandpa) is! That was his first word! I had been trying to get him to say "ma ma" all day and my dad walks up to him and he says "bum-pa"! It was so cute, I will say though that I am still a little jelous. At first I thought it was just a new sound he was saying but nope everytime my dad walked into a room he would say it! He knows what he is talking about. :) So when Ruger gets to see his other "bum-pa" I am sure Paul will be proud that he said that as well!
Doesn't he look so handsome in his cute little tie!

Grumpy gills with his daddy! I love them both so much!