Sunday, March 24, 2013

1 Month

Ruger's first month of life was a crazy one! My mom and sister came to AZ the Monday after Ruger was born. That is when the fun started. Ruger's first doctors visit was that day at 1pm. They flew in at noon and my awesome friend Heather picked them up at the airport and brought them to our apartment. From there we headed straight to the doctor. There is when we discovered that Ruger's bili ruben was elevated. We didn't know how elevated the doctor just said she would call me with the results as soon they were in. We didn't hear from the doctor until 7 or 8 that evening. She called and said it was elevated to a 17 and that we needed to get the ER immediately and have another test drawn up. We made our way to the ER. We were there for about 4 hrs. The ER doctor finally came back and said that his bili was now up to a 20. I was instructed by Ruger's pediatrician that we call her with the results and she would let us know what she wanted us to do. After speaking with her and her speaking with the ER doctor she wanted us to go to Phoenix Children's Hospital. They asked if we wanted an ambulance transport. We said no that we would take the paper work and head over. We waited longer for the paper work than we did for his test results to come back. We finally made it to Phoenix Children's around 1am. I was a basket case. Its one thing to see a baby attached to all the wires and lights, but its another to have it be your baby. I was really glad my mom was there. She jumped right in when I needed her to. My poor mom and sister, they hadn't even unpacked their suit cases. They left with Mitch around 4am and headed back to the apartment. Mitch had it the worst after getting home around 5 ish he got in the shower and then headed to school. He hadn't slept since Sunday night. Kory, Mitch's friend, got a good laugh cuz he almost fell into his lap more than once falling asleep in class that day! Around 1pm I spoke with the nurse in the NICU and she said we would get to go home as soon as the doctor signed the forms. I was so excited I text Mitch and he went home and picked up my mom and sister and they came to the hospital. We were thinking a couple of hours and we'd get to go home. Wrong again, they left Ruger off the lights from 1pm til we left... at 9pm! I was so mad, if I would have known it was going to be that long I would have made sure they put him back under the lights. His numbers were down but the light would have helped it get lower quicker.
The only picture I have of him at the hospital is with Grandma holding him! I wasn't worried about getting pictures. ha ha.

I found a picture of him with the light after we got home from the hospital!

After being home for a day or two we went to the doctor for a follow up, his numbers were still a little high, I told her I wasn't going to go back to a hospital, I would rent a light and do it at home. She agreed, later that day a light was delivered to our apartment. I was glad we didn't have to make another visit to the hospital. His numbers came down and he was looking great.

Mykala and mom had to constantly ask to hold him... my bad, I was just loving him so much. Mykala was such a big help with him. We got some good laughs when she changed him or helped bath him! Love you Mykala! I wished we would have gotten more pictures while we were in AZ. I have a few on my phone I just need to figure out how to get them on the computer. I was so grateful Mom and Mykala were able to come and be with me and help. They flew back to ID on the 15th of October. They were able to stay for two weeks.

Paul and Lynda were able to come help us pack up and drive back to ID. They flew in on Thurs the 18th so they could be there for Mitch's graduation on Friday. After graduation we hit the road to ID. We made it to Cedar City Friday night and stay there. We arrived in Rexburg Saturday evening and unloaded our stuff into a storage unit and stayed at my parents for a couple of weeks.

We celebrated my dad's birthday a couple of days after we got to ID. We got Ruger some moose slippers while we were in AZ, I searched the internet and found my dad some just like it! So that's what we gave him for his birthday. We also got Ruger a shirt that says "Grandpa's lil' huntin' buddy!" We dressed him all up in his new shirt and moose slippers and meet grandpa down stairs when he got home from work. It was a fun night!

On Ruger's 1 month birthday my mom and sister threw us a baby shower! It was so good to see everyone! We had fun, and as always Ruger was spoiled. Thanks everyone who attended! We appreciate everything you guys have done and continue to do by showing your love and support!

Ruger's First time at Church!

For Halloween we were still in ID so before Mitch left for Rock Springs to go to work we took some pictures. They turned out so cute! He wasn't to sure about the whole pumpkin thing but it was fun non the less.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Cole!!! Love your blog!!! So cute!!! I love how you have posted these pictures of Ruger, and you guys!!! I love reading all the stuff you write!!! And hey, if you ever need more time to blog, just call me, I'll watch Ruger while you blog!!! It could work!!! We all can't wait to see you at spring break!!! Hey, maybe I could help you to learn how to post videos too!! (I think you can at least...) Well, we love you guys!! Say hi to Ruger for me! (and Mazie.) And, yes Mitch too!!! Ha!!! Love ya!!
